I am taking on the adventure of blogging again.
New season of life. New classes. New people. New thoughts.
Which means a lot to write about :)
At our Wednesday chapel, we sang the song "Master in this Quiet Place." A beautiful song that I wish I would have written! I feel like no matter where I am in life, it always resonates with me in a different way...Enjoy reading and soaking in the lyrics!
Master in this Quiet PlaceHere, Master, in this quiet place,
Where anyone may kneel,
I also come to ask for grace
Believing you can heal.
If pain of body, stress of mind
Destroys my inward peace
In prayer for others may I find
The secret of release.
If self upon its sickness feeds
And turns my life to gall,
Let me not brood upon my needs
But simply tell you all.
You never said “You ask too much”
To any troubled soul.
I long to feel your healing touch.
Will you not make me whole?
But if the thing I most desire
Is not your way for me,
May faith, when tested in the fire
Prove its integrity.
Of all my prayers let this be chief:
Till faith is fully grown
Lord, disbelieve my unbelief
And claim me as your own.