
Sunday, January 1, 2012

hello 2012

2011...You were great....

1. Graduated MBI
2. Got a full-time teaching job at an awesome school
3. Bought a Car
4. Went to Greece and a few beautiful Greek islands
5. Amazing memories and time spent with family and friends
6. Supplied a place to live
7. Worked on being content
8. Tried to see everything I did as ministry
9. Began to see that I am far from perfect
10. Continued to see that I cannot do anything on my own

2012....I am so ready for you...Bring it on....

New Year. Beginnings. Fresh Start. Goals to be accomplished. People to see. Places to go. Things to learn. Ways to Grow.

1. Make my bed.
2. See relationships and myself through God's eyes.
3. Become a yogi again.
4. Less arguing, more grace.
5. Pick something new and try it...I have some ideas...
6. Have no expectations.
7. Cook a new recipe every two weeks...I need to be realistic :)
8. Go out West.
9. Grow in one content area to be a better teacher for my students.
10. Less of me, more of HIM.

Ready....Set....and I'm off....


agirlinport said...

You accomplished a lot in 2011!!! I hope you accomplish just as much in 2012. I'm totally with you. It's going to be an awesome year!

agirlinport said...

Oh, and this is Michelle by the way! Lol.