The night before Easter, my friends and I actually went to an Orthodox church to see the traditional candle lighting ceremony at midnight. It was super crowded and every single Greek comes out because it's "tradition." It was a total cultural experience! Unfortunately, it was sad to see that the meaning behind this ceremony is really great but it does not mean anything to the Greeks because it is something they just go to because they are supposed to. It starts off with one candle being lit and then the light being passed on until everyone's candle is lit...It's supposed to show that Christ's Resurrection should be shared with everyone and should lead us to tell people about what Christ has done. Just like the movie, everyone says, "Xristos Anesti!" Which means, "Christ is Risen!" Then, you say back, "Alithos, Anesti!" Which means, "Indeed, He is Risen!" Watch the movie and you'll see this being said! On Easter, we went to church and I actually got to share my testimony with the small congregation so that was really cool! Afterwards, the whole church had our HUGE meal together and of course we had lamb...typical Greek food on Easter! It was really great and a blessing to be able to spend Easter with a family since my friends and I were away from our own. I would encourage you to not let Easter just become another holiday you celebrate but to let Christ's resurrection live in your hearts and remember the sacrifice that Christ paid for us and without Him being raised from the dead, we would not be able to spend eternity with God. So share Christ's resurrection with others because He has done a great thing!
Some of my friends holding their candles!
Here is Julie and I holding our candles!
Becky and I on Easter morning!
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