One word and that is: indescribable! That is how I would try to describe Meteora. It was one of the places that before I even got to Greece, that I said I had to visit before I left so I was extremely happy that I got to go! After I left the Children's Camp, I went down to Central Greece to a town called, Larissa. I stayed with a friend's family while I was there and the one day a bunch of us got up and took an early train to go and see Meteora. Meteora is this area of amazing cliffs with monasteries and nunneries built on the top of them and visitors are able to go up and visit them. You are able to drive up the monasteries but you can also rough it and hike up through the forests and get up to these cliffs, which of course my friends wanted to be adventurous and hike! Might I say, that it was the most intense thing I think I have ever done...I think we hiked for like 3 hours...I was sweating, my legs were hurting...haha...but I was trying not to complain...Let's just say, it was my workout for the month! :) It was totally worth it once we got up there because the view was amazing and the monasteries were beautiful. The girls had to put on skirts before we went in, and there were some little museums inside the monasteries that we got to go into. The whole trip was amazing (look up pictures online, because mine won't do it justice!)...and it really made me look at how awesome God's creation is! He created all of this by the touch of His fingers and by the words from His mouth. You feel so small when you are up on these cliffs but all of a sudden I felt this overwhelming sense of God's love for His children. We are so small, minuscule, etc...but He cares and knows each one of us by name. He knows the hairs on our head...What an awesome God we have...Be encouraged, He loves you so much and knows all your cares, problems, and concerns...He has it all in control!

Here is most of the group that went!

One of the monasteries!

Some more cool scenery!

Boys are too difficult...I'm joining a nunnery..hahaha!
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