Here is the recap continued...

I got to babysit these two sweet kids one Saturday night. Their parents are missionaries from the States and they are working here in Greece. They were seriously the most well-behaved kids I have ever watched! Before we went to bed, we got to say prayers, read books, and the cutest of all was they sang some Christian songs...Oh and they call me Miss Ashley and it is so adorable!

Here is Fivos and I getting stuff ready for the Sunday school class that we teach...We look so serious..haha...It was really encouraging that Sunday because Fivos and I had procrastinated a bit with getting our lesson ready and we were going back and forth with how we wanted to teach them...but it ended up turning out really well and the kids were opening up their bibles and finding the answers on their own so it was really great!

Here we are doing ministry at Omonia Square on Thursday nights...handing out croissants, tea, flyers, and trying to share Christ with the people living out on the streets...

A couple of friends and I went to a cafeteria (a.k.a. a coffee shop) one night. They are everywhere here in Greece! If you can believe it I am actually starting to like cappuccino...ahhh! I never thought I would say that!

Ok, awesome story with this picture so I will tell it...Ignore the fact that I look a little freaky in the picture...haha...So last week, I took an Open Air Evangelism class. I was not too excited about this class when I heard about it because it is not really my thing...Going out on the street corner and painting pictures while evangelizing to people but my opinion did change a bit after the class. All we really did in class was paint, which was awesome, and learned how to tell stories. So one of the requirements for the class was we had to go out that week and evangelize but I asked my teacher if I could do it with the Muslim refugee kids that I work with and he said that would be fine. It was not the easiest task since if your remember these kids don't speak English or Greek so I had to paint a picture without words on the board and still keep it simple for them and my Farsi translator. I prayed about this all day before I had to tell it because I was nervous and did not know how it was going to go over with the kids. I knew something was probably going to go wrong...Well, when we got there...There was barely any kids, maybe 10 or so (there are usually 40 or more) and they were all young, which was bad because my story was for kids a little older...So I started to freak out a bit and tried to think of a Plan B but then I just realized all I could do was pray that these kids would still understand the story...We found out there weren't that many people because it was cold out, it was only like 40 degrees but that's cold to them here! Well, I started to paint my story out and when I looked back, every kid's eyes were glued on me. I had all their attention, which I have never had! They were totally interested in what I was painting and by this time a dew more older kids had come in. Well, I told the bible story about forgiveness and how we need to forgive people because Jesus was sent to us hear on earth to forgive us for our sins so that we could spend eternal life with him. Usually, the translation does not go over very well and I have to repeat myself while I am talking but this time it was awesome and I never had to repeat myself! At the end of the story, I told the kids that if any of them were interested in knowing more about Jesus and why He died on the cross for them them they could come up to me afterwards. Well, what do ya know?! A little ten year old Muslim boy came up and started to ask us all these questions about Jesus and why He died for us and we tried to explain it to him more. It was amazing...I have never had the kids attention and interest that much. It was such an answer to prayer so I will definitely be using this method to teach them again and you can be praying for it!

This is my lovely, wonderful, amazing roommate, Sarah!