
Saturday, January 17, 2009

God is the ultimate long-time thinker...

My teacher had said that God was the ultimate long-time thinker and I loved that! How often do we get all worried and upset beacuse we don't understand why something is happening or going in our lives but if we really think about it then we will remember that God has everything in control and He sees the big picture while we only see what's happening right in front of us. I pray that I can trust the Lord all the time and pray that I can see just a smidge of that bigger picture!

So Thursday night was amazing! I went to do ministry with the Mercy Center. We went to Omonia Square which is a pretty shady area of town...lots of homeless people, refugess, drug addicts, cross-dressers, etc...You get the picture! Well, we went to this square and set up a table and put up some tea and croissants for these people to eat. We then set up some speakers and played some contemporary Christian music and then the founder of this organization got on the microphone and talked to these hopeless and lost men and told them that they can get help and get off the streets with the help of Jesus Christ. They can come as they are! Literally, when I started to see all of these people, who in the world's eyes, no one cares about but in the Lord's eyes are precious...I literally almost started to cry! It was beautiful! My job that night was to hand out these little cards to them as they walked by that had information on where they could go to get food during the week from this ministry. I could also try and talk to them if I had the chance. So I passed out these cards and tried to use the few words of Greek that I know but the even more difficult thing is that a lot of these people are refugees from Muslim countries so they speak Arabic or Farsi, which I do not know! I did get to speak to one Muslim man which was really awesome! He had very very broken english and began to tell me that he was from Iraq and had been in Greece for 10 years and that he has been on drugs for the last 4 years. He said his whole family was back in Iraq, that he believed in Allah, etc. I went on to try and tell him as simple as I could say it that he could get off the drugs if wanted to with the help and that Jesus was my friend. I then asked him if I could pray for him which he said that was fine. So as he sat there and stared at me, I layed my hand on him and said a quick prayer for him. He said thank you and then he left. I don't think I have ever been as excited as I was after that...It was the most amazing feeling to do that with someone! So hopefully this man and the many others that came over there that night could feel Christ's love through our actions and words...I will definitely be doing this ministry again!

Yesterday, a bunch of us watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" which is really fun to watch with Greek people..haha! I'm still trying to learn Greek as fast as possible because I really want to speak with people...The weather was realy nice and sunny today and we wnet up to Mars Hill again...I ate 2 gyros last night for dinner and then another one again for lunch today...I might be gyroed out! :) I also bought a cute scarf in the market! Also, I tried to post more pictures but I can't seem to do it right...So I'll keep trying! Ya sas...Love you all!


Unknown said...

Great article Ashley!

Suellen said...

Hi Ashley!

I am going to enjoy reading your blog so much! The picture of you on Mars Hill is exactly how I pictured you in Greece. I am so happy for you and proud to be your friend. Godspeed!

ultimatethinkers said...

Hello Ashley!

I wanted to make a comment on your post of God being the Ultimate Thinker because I too have a posting on my Blog @ that has a direct relation of you actual posting here. It’s called “The Genecology of God’s Secret”.

Because I consider myself a technical person by livelihood I am a very religious individual. I do have a strong belief that science and medicine are just a start of where God has not only given mankind his being but has a plan for all life throughout the dimensions of universes he has created.

I do appreciate the thought of your Blog and in return hope you and your readers visit and hopefully participate with a comment. I do have other topics posted for others like myself to participate in but the jest of these posting are based on life’s premises.

