
Sunday, August 19, 2012

He is.

people let us down. people are not who they seem to be. people leave us.

God will never let us down. God is who He says He is. God will never leave us.

We live in a fallen world full of sinners. It is a broken and messy place. Some have good intentions, others don’t. We have all found ourselves at a place where we needed someone. We needed their kind words, listening ears, or warm embrace. How many times have we found ourselves in that moment of utter desperation and find that someone isn’t picking up the phone, texting back, or even present. No one is perfect.
People are going to let us down.

But, there is One that is always ready and ever present. He is perfect. He has promised to be there listening with open arms. We are treasured and called His beloved. He wants us to come to Him before we even try to go to someone else. Let us not let the weight of burdens bear on us because we feel like no one is there. Give it to Him, tell Him, because He is.

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