Storms will come. They are inevitable. Some are light. Some are strong. They can last a few short minutes or others make you wonder if you will ever feel the calm again. A boat can find itself in danger amidst these storms. They have one necessary and vital item though that they carry…
Every boat has an anchor. The purpose of an anchor is to help the vessel stay in place and prevent it from drifting due to the conditions that surround it. The boat could easily be tossed to and fro by the waves and winds that encompass it, but this somewhat small object is used to hold this huge vessel in place. There is something to be said about “there’s more here, than meets the eye.” An anchor can be quite small, but don’t be fooled…this little object weighs much and does not need help from anyone or anything else.
Imagine now that you are a boat. I know, difficult to do, but trust me on this. And lo and behold, you find yourself right now in your own storm. Hard to imagine right? Let’s be honest…Right now, you are either in a storm, or one is on the way. Remember, they are inevitable.
What are the waves that you find crashing at your sides? What are the clashing and thunderous sounds you hear ringing in your ears? What are the black clouds that seem to surround you?
Is it insecurity or doubt? Is it a health crisis or a death? Is it a breakup or let down? Is it a financial setback or job loss? Is it fear or anxiety?
It is dark. It is terrifying. It feels as if you will never see the light again.
But you my dear friend, have an anchor. It is called hope. It is “sure and steadfast.” This anchor is secure. It is secure because it is dug into something far more firm than we can ever imagine. We call that something Jesus Christ. We have this hope, because of what Christ did on the cross. He is our High Priest. As followers of Christ, we can now enter into the veil, the most Holy of Holies and be surrounded with His overwhelming and loving presence.
His veil is a place where we can rest in Him and have hope in His promises. His promises are endless. He will meet our needs, He will give us the victory, He will give us a future, He will provide a peace that surpasses understanding, He will lavish us in a love that is unconditional, and He will pour out abundant grace on us….but most of all He promises that “for those who love God, all things work together for good.”
The storm will end. There will be a calm. He promises it. And until it does, you have to do your part…throw your anchor down and remember that “yours holds within the veil.”
Hebrews 6:18-20: “So that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.”